Company Profile

About Us

PT Tirta Utama Jawa Tengah (Perseroda) is a company engaged in the management of drinking water (Regional SPAM) in Central Java. Currently, PT Tirta Utama Central Java (Perseroda) manages three Regional SPAM units. First, Bregas Regional SPAM, serving Brebes Regency, Tegal Regency, and Tegal City. Second, Keburejo Regional SPAM, focusing its services in Kebumen Regency and Purworejo Regency. The third is Petanglong Regional SPAM, serving Pekalongan Regency, Batang Regency, and Pekalongan City. In addition to focusing on Regional SPAM, PT Tirta Utama Central Java (Perseroda) is also expanding its market to industrial areas, namely: Sayung industrial allotment area in Demak Regency and Batang Integrated Industrial Estate (KITB).


The company was established under the Central Java Provincial Regulation Number 7 of 2012 concerning the Tirta Utama Clean Water Company in Central Java Province.


In order to meet the need of clean water in Tegal Regency, Brebes Regency, and Tegal Municipality, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in collaboration with KfW (Kremitanstalt fur Weideranfbau) West Germany built a Tegal Clean Water Facility by utilizing Kaligiri Springs in Sirampog District, Brebes Regency. named “ Tegal Water Supply Project (TWSP) ”.

The existence of project has increased the water discharge capacity from 45 liters/second to 250 liters/second by the management of clean water facilities as a result of the project carried out by the Clean Water Management Agency (BPAB) of Central Java Province , the program began operations in 1992 based on Governor decree of KDH Tk I Central Java No. 610/24/91, as well as amendments to Governor decree. Governor of KDH Tk. I Central Java No. 061.1/128/1992.

In 1992, the Central Java Provincial Regional Regulation No. 6/1992 was issued concerning the Establishment of a Regional Clean Water Company (PDAB) for Central Java Province Level I in connection with the Submission of Part of Government Affairs in the Public Works Sector to the Regions. Subsequently, on June 6, 1994, the status of BPAB of Dati I Province of Central Java was transferred to PDAB of Province of Dati I of Central Java.

Along with the development of the Government Program on the Central Java Regional Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM), which covers several regional areas in Central Java, the Central Java Provincial Government issued Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2012 concerning Regional Clean Water Companies (PDAB) Tirta Utama Central Java Province as a basis PDAB to provide the supply of the clean water for central java citizens in addition to the Brebes, Tegal and Slawi (Bregas) Regional areas.

In the end of 2021, the Tirta Utama Clean Water Company was transformed into a Regional Company and changed its name to PT Tirta Utama (Perseroda) . The change of Body Corporate is based on the issuance of Regional Regulation (Perda) No. 3 of 2021 on February 17, 2021 and ratified at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) on December 31, 2021. With the change in the form of a Body Corporate to a Regional Company, PT Tirta Utama seeks to expand its business expansion by reaching the industrial sector and having more varied funding options.

To Provide an Excellent Clear Water Service for Central Java Citizens Through Regional SPAM Development.

  1. To provide clean water that meets the requirements in terms of quality, quantity, continuity and affordability.
  2. To increase service coverage for safe access to clean water in accordance with the target of the National Medium Term Development Plan.
  3. To increase productivity, competence and professionalism of employees.
  4. To contribute to regional development.
  1. To fulfill the need for clean water both for drinking water and for other purposes.
  2. To maintain and protect the sustainability of water resources.
  3. To increasing regional economic growth and development in order to improve the welfare of the regional community.
  4. Increase Regional Original Income.

Board of Commissioners and Directors

Dewan Komisaris

  • President Commissioner : Dr. Ir. AR Hanung Triyono, M.Si
  • Komisaris : Drs. Wisnu Zaroh, M.Si.
  • Komisaris : Drs. Bambang Yugisworo, SH.


  • President Director : Dr. (c) H. Aji Setya Budi, S.E., M.Si., Akt. CRBD
  • General and Finance Director : Amir Tohari, S.H.
  • Technical Director : Eko Budi Santoso, S.T.