SPAM Reg is Our Concern

About Us

PT Tirta Utama Jawa Tengah (Perseroda) is a company engaged in the management of drinking water (Regional SPAM) in Central Java. Currently, PT Tirta Utama Central Java (Perseroda) manages three Regional SPAM units. First, Bregas Regional SPAM, serving Brebes Regency, Tegal Regency, and Tegal City. Second, Keburejo Regional SPAM, focusing its services in Kebumen Regency and Purworejo Regency. The third is Petanglong Regional SPAM, serving Pekalongan Regency, Batang Regency, and Pekalongan City. In addition to focusing on Regional SPAM, PT Tirta Utama Central Java (Perseroda) is also expanding its market to industrial areas, namely: Sayung industrial allotment area in Demak Regency and Batang Integrated Industrial Estate (KITB).
